As part of our drive to reduce our carbon emissions we have been working with Zellar to calculate our carbon footprint for our Aston Down and Lochgelly manufacturing locations.
Our total emissions for 2023 equate to.
Aston Down 7.2T CO2 previously 33T CO2 in 2022.
Lochgelly 29T CO2
We’re reviewing all our processes to identify the areas of the business with the highest energy usage. A plan will then be implemented to reduce these emissions.
51% of our energy usage at the Aston Down site is produced by our 32 KW solar PV array and the remainder of our energy is now provided by 100% renewable sources.
We have offset 60 T CO2 emissions by partnering with a planting project in Nottinghamshire, contributing to local environmental conservation efforts. future.
We are supporting biodiversity projects within the locality of each manufacturing site.
‘Salmon to Salmon Springs’ project which aims to reopen the river Frome for fish migration, in particular the iconic Atlantic salmon. The improvement to habitat, fish pass structures and waterflow is from Stroud out to the river Severn.
This year we have supported Chalford under 11’s football team by providing them with their new football strip.